Sunday, December 26, 2010

A dip of holiness

Continuing with my Amritsar tip I would today take you all to the sacred and glorious Golden Temple. Though my title may have been literal for many there who actually took a dip in the holy lake not even caring about the chilling weather that too at 4AM. Nevertheless for me the title is metaphoric. just being there was like drowning in holiness. A blanket of peace and serenity surrounds us and we experience ultimate bliss. Well, let me explain.......

It was very early that morning(3 AM)
the sky outside was all black
I was sure I was dreaming
because me getting up early
chances were slack :D

But who could have neglected god's call
we all got ready in that early hour
and reached in time to get the shuttle
which took us to the golden temple at 4
which from our hotel was not very far

We reached there early and fresh
and quickly removed our footwear
then into the temple we went
after having washed our feet
in a small pool in open air

Once inside the world seemed to become quiet
all seemed pure and serene
the godly feeling lulled over us
as if we had a hand on our head and

eyes watching every scene

We took a round around the main temple
took prasad and finally entered
as we went closer the more holy it all felt
and once we were in the main chamber

only on god was my attention centered

the pull of the feeling was very strong
and I sat just there for a long while
and soon even saw Guru Granth Sahib
being brought in a grand procession
which made my heart silently smile

Then I silently made my depart
though unwillingly but I was finally out
eating the prasad of halwa
which tasted like the best thing I had ever had
in all it was all heavenly without doubt.

Signing off...
A. Tayal

1) A small line on Tees Maar Khan
Definitely brainless and no logical acting but best to pass time and laugh out loud but only if you have it in you to laugh at the stupidity :D
2) I must urge you all to a definite visit to Amritsar :)

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Poetry by Abhishek Tayal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 India License.